What We Should Learn From Millennials and Gen Z About Mental Health

woman feeling the wind on a field

Many things can affect one’s mental health. Financial stress, bereavement, discrimination, and trauma are just a few stressors that lead to poor mental health. There are many efforts made by mental health professionals and non-profits that aim to help people foster mental health awareness. But despite all these, many people, especially the older generations still find it hard to reach out and seek professional health. It is because there is still this stigma surrounding mental illness.

Millennials and Generation Z may be young at age and heart. But they are changing how people view mental health. In fact, they are using their voice to normalize mental health.

We often hear the saying that wisdom comes with age. But even if millennials and Gen Z still have a lot to learn and experience, they are already teaching us some important points. This involves how we can better manage our mental health.

During these unprecedented times, more people are suffering from poor mental health. But according to the latest study conducted by the American Psychological Association, today’s young generations are more likely to report mental health issues compared to older generations. If everyone will only be willing to report and seek help, then all will learn how to better manage their stress.

If there are lessons we ought to learn from Gen Z and millennials when it comes to mental health, it includes the following.

Use Technology to Reach Out to the Right Pros

They use online research to find local professionals who can help them address their mental health issues. For instance, some millennials and Gen are struggling with eating disorders. They search the internet and find pros that will help them create a personalized anorexia treatment plan or program.

Young people also make use of different mental health apps. Some are helpful in realizing symptoms of stress, anxiety, or depression. Others allow them to record their mood or answer questions to track their progress.

There are also certain apps recommended by their doctors. Physicians now use apps to allow online appointments, track symptoms, and allow virtual health visits. This makes seeking professional support more manageable for millennials and Gen Zers.

women leaning on each other

Use Social Media Platforms to Spread Mental Health Awareness

Millennials and Gen Z often spend a crazy amount of time on social media. Many studies argue that too much social media is bad for our mental health. Despite its ability to make us feel good, it can also ruin one’s confidence and make us depressed and fear of missing out.

On another note, young people use different social media platforms to make others aware of the existing mental health issues. They want to get real and show others that there is no shame in struggling with poor mental health. We should do the same and start normalizing mental health instead of being part of the problem.

Don’t Hesitate to Take a Mental Health Day

All employees can use their sick days when they are unable to go to work due to an illness. But some companies still don’t honor paid leaves for mental health days. This leads to the increase of late and absences in the workplace.

Millennials and Gen Z are spreading mental health awareness in the workplace. They are reporting their issues with their supervisors and requested to use their paid leaves to take care of their mental health. Now, many companies reviewed their policies and are now allowing their employees to take mental health days.

Older generations would rarely use their leave dates. This is since most of them believe in using these for the holidays. They are also likely to still go to work even if they are not feeling well or stressed out.

We should all learn how and when to take mental health days like the younger generation. One day might not be a quick fix to your stress and burnout. But this can help you enjoy that much-needed break to de-stress, re-energize yourself and come back as a more productive worker.

Travel More to Take Good Care of Your Mental Health

People often think millennials only travel merely for the experience. But in reality, they travel to take their stress away. This might mean taking a road trip over the weekend or a short getaway on their dream vacation.

But they often accomplish many things by taking trips here and there. They mix business with pleasure and go on trips with a purpose. Up to 84% of millennials would go on trips abroad to volunteer as a way to give back to the community.

Millennials and Gen Z teaches us to travel and enjoy life. They might not have much money to spend. But because they know just how important self-care is and how traveling can ease their minds, they use every opportunity they can get to travel.

Today’s young people may lack experience in many aspects of life. They might be more anxious, depressed, and burned out than the rest of us. But we cannot deny the lesson they have to teach when it comes to managing mental health.

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