What We Can Learn from Millennials When It Comes to Mental Health

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One generation that is suffering from mental health the most is Generation Y. This might come as a surprise considering they are known as the “wellness generation.” They demand organic food, wellness is their active pursuit and they take work-life blend seriously. But why is it that according to a study, there has been a 47% increase in major depression diagnoses among Gen-Yers?

How Gen-Yers View Their Mental Health

Millennials often face more challenges compared to other generations. They work longer hours and are more burn out at home and work. They might be more educated, but they have stagnant wages and get paid 20% less than their parents. The rising cost of commodities along with their massive student debt only adds to their financial problems.

But the good news is, they are taking their mental health more seriously and are changing how we view mental health. Compared to the older generations, they don’t think mental health talks are taboo. They value health and wellness and actually put in efforts to prioritize this despite their crazy schedule. They are maybe challenging traditional healthcare, but they welcome other ways to address their mental health issues.

Ways Gen-Yers Take Care of Their Mental Health

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Millennials use alternative medicine to cure symptoms, boost their immune system, and take care of their mental health while staying in control. They use meditation techniques and join yoga classes to ease their stress, improve their awareness, and increase overall brain health. They go to the spa for a massage to melt their tensions away and even use aromatherapy to sleep better and reduce their stress.

Compared to older generations, millennials are more likely to talk about how they feel, what their worries are, and what triggers their stress and anxiety. With the ballooning costs of healthcare, only one in five Gen-Yers are seeking treatment. But the good news is, they are looking for alternative ways to seek professional help.

Instead of going to clinics, millennials who can’t afford therapy are using different mental health apps. Such an innovative solution is an alternative treatment but at a more affordable price. They use their love of research and technology to find apps approved by the pros to find therapeutic techniques to address their mental health issues.

Gen-Yers also engage themselves in hobbies like gardening, watching videos, Netflix, and cooking. Many are into online games and arts while some spend time listening to their favorite songs. They consider their hobbies as a way to release their stress and temporarily take their minds off of the things that bother them.

One thing that sets most Gen-Yers apart from the other generation is millennials’ love of experiences. They are saving their money not to buy houses or for their retirement. They intend to use their hard-earned cash to pay for experiences.

Sure, savings, retirement, and investments are important. But they value experiences more because want to invest in something they prefer not to worry about things that will only give them more stress in the future. They believe that material things can only make you happy temporarily while experiences will forever become a part of you.

Millennials might be more depressed, stressed, and anxious than other generations. But they have interesting lessons to share that we can all apply when improving our mental health. One might not agree with their values and way of doing things. But we cannot deny that they have valid reasons for choosing these strategies when taking care of their mental health.

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