Tying the Knot: Why It Makes Sense to Get Married During the Pandemic


Many love birds had to cancel their wedding plans after social gatherings were prohibited. They chose to move the big day until they can celebrate their wedding with their preferred number of guests. But for others, they chose to push through with their date and hold a smaller wedding instead.

It’s been a year since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Covid-19 crisis as a pandemic. Even with the availability of vaccines, large gatherings are still discouraged. But why are more people following the footsteps of couples who tied the knot during the pandemic?

Experience a More Intimate Wedding

The best reason to have a pandemic wedding is you get to focus celebrate this time with your closest family and friends. You get to surround yourself with the people you love and truly know you. You can keep your toxic loved ones out of the wedding and make the big day all about celebrating you and your spouse’s love and commitment to each other.

With a small, intimate wedding, your guests will feel privileged to be invited to your wedding. You cherry-picked them out of everyone you know and love. They will truly become participants in your wedding and not just mere spectators.

An intimate wedding also means you get to spend time with your guests. With a small enough group, you don’t need to rush to the next table just to take pictures and get in touch with them. They can even help you with the wedding preparations and get rid of the unnecessary stuff you don’t need at the wedding.

Enjoy Bigger Savings

Weddings can be extremely expensive, depending on your preparations. The more guests listed on your list, the bigger your expenses will be. With a pandemic wedding, only a few people are allowed in venues, which means you can spend your wedding budget on the more important things.

For instance, you can finally buy that wedding dress at your preferred bridal store. You can even have them customize your dress since you can now afford one. Your groom will also have a field day for not having to worry about the extra expenses.

One wedding mistake couples make is to spend all of their money on their wedding and honeymoon. This leaves them with barely enough money to start a new life as a couple. With the amount you can save from a smaller wedding, you also have the option to save a portion of your budget instead of blowing your savings.


Fewer Expectations Means Less Pressure

It is true that with pandemic-weddings, couples and guests are forced to follow health and safety protocols. This includes social distancing, wearing masks, and as much as possible, holding the venue in an outdoor space. But aside from these restrictions, one will feel less pressure compared to how most couples feel when hosting larger weddings.

With a typical wedding, many couples will make plans while keeping their guests in mind. They worry about how their guests will view their wedding and how they will compare the event with other weddings. If some of your guests don’t like each other, the room will only be full of tension.

More guests mean more eyes criticizing every move you make. This can start the moment you announce your plans of getting married, during the wedding, and up until after the event is over. People simply have too much expectation on both the bride and groom, putting a lot of pressure on the couple.

But when you hold your wedding during the crisis, you are already challenging the norm. You and your spouse are embracing the unexpected. You have fewer eyes watching your every move, which translates to less pressure and more fun.

Hold a More Eco-friendly Wedding

Weddings often result in lots of waste. Even before the wedding day, you are already creating a significant amount of waste by sending out printed invitations, preparing the souvenirs, and creating your wedding decor.

With a pandemic wedding, fewer guests translate to fewer food wastes. If you choose to ditch the disposable decorations, souvenirs, etc., you are producing less waste that goes straight to landfills. How you choose your guests and where you hold your wedding also matters.

You can use your wedding this time to hold an eco-friendly wedding. You can invite local guests to a local venue and reduce you and your guests ‘carbon footprint when traveling. For those who didn’t make the cut or can’t join the fun due to health and personal reasons, you can simply record your big day and invite them to watch your wedding in a video call.

Couples have so many reasons to choose a pandemic wedding instead of a regular wedding. One gets to celebrate their love and show the world that not even a pandemic can change their plans of tying the knot. One can even save money, reduce the pressure, enjoy an intimate wedding, and opt for a more eco-friendly way for their big day. If this type of wedding appeals to you, then now could be one of the best times to say I do.

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