How Busy Millennial Parents Keep Their Little Ones Looking Fresh and Stylish

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Millennials, aka Generation Y, love to post virtually everything on the ‘gram. For those who already started a family of their own, they make parenting look easy. Despite their many struggles and hectic lifestyle, you can find their little ones looking their best on social media. Even a simple trip to the supermarket often becomes a fashion show. Why do they do this and how?

Millennial Obsession for Kids’ Fashion

According to news, the kind of culture millennials have is driving the market for designer childrenswear. The luxury kidswear sector is increasingly gaining better momentum thanks to millennial parent’s willingness to spend hundreds to thousands on their kids’ clothes and accessories alone. They want their kids to look and feel good by dressing them up the best way they can.

More millennial parents are also planning to have fewer babies. Many more are putting off having kids. The reason is that raising kids these days is becoming extremely expensive.

Since many millennial parents plan on having fewer kids, they are investing in their kids’ fashion. They want their little ones to be able to look great even if they are simply lounging at home, playing at the park, or are out with them running for errands.

Gen Yers are also all about quality and sustainability. They want what’s best for their kids and their planet. This includes buying high-quality kids’ clothes that last and giving away their kid’s smaller clothes to family and friends.

How Busy Gen Y Keeps Their Kids Looking Fashionable

Today’s busy world demands that parents find ways to keep their kids looking and feeling good while keeping up with their schedule. But many millennials were able to make their kids look stylish with these simple hacks.

They Take Inspiration From the Net

Millennials love taking inspiration from the internet.  From their favorite celebrities to Pinterest, they are able to copy the fashion style of other moms when dressing up their kids. Chances are, you will find them saving and pinning kids’ fashion inspiration on their phones for their next shopping and dressing-up routine.

They don’t simply follow the latest fashion trends. They make sure their kids look good and feel comfortable wearing the clothes they pick. Millennials try to find styles that last long and clothes they can mix and match with their kid’s existing wardrobes.


They Pack and Accessorize With Functionality and Style in Mind

Kids are notorious for wanting to play with dirt, always running around, and needing many things. It can be quite impossible to bring everything a baby might need without needing a big baby bag. What millennial parents do is find pieces that will go with their kids’ outfits and keep their bags filled with at least one of their kid’s must-haves.

They also accessorize their kids in a way that will make their life easier. Take note of bibs with gorgeous designs that double as a scarf. The market is also filled with cute clips for pacifiers for kids who often lose their binkies.

When packing their kid’s essentials, they don’t simply use boring baby bags. Some invested in convertible diaper bags that turn into a bassinet or changing pad. This enables them to change their babies from anywhere and have all their baby needs in one bag.

They Take Advantage of Consignment and Thrift Shops

Millennials love thrift store shopping. They look for childrenswear that is stylish and still in good shape. Since kids often outgrow their clothes quickly, they also use these places to get rid of old clothes.

Some shops would buy old clothes from people to resell. Millennials take advantage of these shops to reduce their fashion waste and bring in more cash to their kid’s fashion budget. This is also another way to make more space in their kids’ closets.

They Buy Clothes That Match Their Kid’s Preference and Personality

Millennials know that it is not enough that you find stylish kidswear that looks great on their kids. They also try to make sure the items they buy match the personality and taste of their kids. They choose comfort and style mixed with their kids’ preferred activities and personality.

For instance, hyperactive kids are better off styled in clothes that allow them to move freely. Their parents would buy clothes that are breathable and comfortable. Thankfully, kidswear these days comes in many varieties that can reflect a kid’s personality without taking his or her comfort for granted.

We can all learn a thing or two about how millennials keep their kids stylish. If you buy comfortable and high-quality clothes that one can easily maintain and mix and match, dressing up the little ones becomes a little bit easier. Buying accessories that are both functional and fashionable also helps. There is also no shame in buying expensive childrenswear if you can and in shopping and selling clothes at the thrift shop. For as long as the kids are happy and comfortable with their clothes, keeping them looking and feeling great won’t be that hard.

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