Preparing for Success

Dental Care

When considering dental implants in Belfast, it’s good to be aware that it’s not just about getting an implant fixed in place. There is a lot of preparatory work that goes into making sure the implants are successfully placed and remain secure.

Often dental implants in Belfast are required because someone has been without teeth for a while. If this is the case, it could mean that they have lost bone density at the site of the missing teeth. Their implant dentist, such as those at Blue Sky Dentistry, may suggest they get a bone graft or sinus lift to build up the bone material in this area. This will give the implants a secure spot to fix into.

What’s just as important for a well-functioning implant is healthy gum tissue. If a patient has gum disease this needs to be treated before dental implants in Belfast can go ahead. Diseases such as diabetes and lifestyle habits like smoking can affect the gums, and receiving dental implants in Belfast can certainly be more challenging for these patients.

Another side effect of tooth loss is that gum tissue is also lost around the site of the missing tooth. Thin gums are often seen in a gappy smile. But, as a bone graft can augment the jawbone, so a soft tissue graft can build up the gums. If a patient requires a bone graft, their dentist may also do a gum graft at the same time, to prepare a happy home for their implants. This involves taking tissue from the roof of the patient’s mouth or using AlloDerm, a substance made from donated human skin.

By building up the gums in this way, the dentist is making sure there’s a nice thick layer surrounding the implant, holding it in place and securing it for years to come. It also makes sure that the metal implant post can’t be seen in the patient’s smile. So, it has both a practical and aesthetic benefit.

Then it’s just up to the patient to brush and floss their dental implants in Belfast as they would their natural teeth, to keep those grafted gums in good working order and their implants securely in place.

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