Finding the Right Dentist in Harley Street

Woman talking with dentist

When people hear the word ‘dentist’, they tend to think of having a check-up or perhaps a filling. This is one aspect of dentistry, but there are many more. So, when looking for a dentist in Harley Street, it’s important to think about the kind of dentistry that might be needed.

Some dental clinics are small practices, with one, maybe 2, general dentists who offer services such as check-ups, fillings, crowns, tooth extractions and services for children to prevent tooth decay. This kind of work comes under the umbrella term of general dentistry. However, there are also large practices, where going to the dentist in Harley Street could mean anything from getting dental implants to having a smile makeover. Such practices include Harley Street Dental Clinic.

What’s on offer in a large dental clinic?

Large dental clinics can have many dentists working under one roof, maybe even more than a dozen. In a clinic like this, there will be a smattering of general dentists. There will also be a number of dentists who, between them, cover the range of dental specialisms.

It takes 5 years of study to become a general dentist, able to offer basic dental services. But if a dentist wants to focus on one particular area, they need to do 2-3 years of postgraduate study too.

Cosmetic dentistry

One area of postgraduate study that is increasingly popular is cosmetic dentistry. Here the focus is not so much on making sure the teeth are healthy, but on techniques to make them look fantastic. Cosmetic dentistry requires an artist’s eye view of the teeth and smile, as well as the skills of a dentist. It really is a craft.

Cosmetic dentistry has become incredibly popular as techniques and materials have advanced to make treatments quicker and longer lasting. For example, veneers were invented in the 1920s, when they only lasted a few minutes before falling out. Now, they can last for more than a decade.

Read about the dentists

Every dental practice website has a biography of the dentists, as well as a list of treatments. It’s worth reading up on the dentists to get a feel for which practice is offering the most suitable services.

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