7 Easy Ways to Make Your Residence Greener


Greener living is not only a good idea for the environment, but it can also be beneficial to your health.

In fact, from reducing electricity consumption to recycling and choosing energy-efficient appliances, there are tons of ways you can make your residence more environmentally friendly.

Check out these seven easy ways to make your residence greener!

#1 – Reusable Bags Instead of Plastic or Paper Shopping Bags


Choosing to use reusable shopping bags instead of plastic or paper shopping bags will reduce the amount of waste you produce and lower your carbon footprint.

Plus, if you commit to carrying a reusable bag with you everywhere you go, the chances are that you’ll start bringing other items along with it too — like a water bottle, fruit snack pack, or umbrella — which means fewer plastic bottles and wrappers floating around out there!

Many supermarkets now offer incentives for using this sustainable practice, such as discounts on groceries or even money off your next shopping trip.

#2 – Green Cleaning Supplies

Choosing to use all-natural, biodegradable cleaning products instead of harsh chemicals will benefit you and the environment in a few different ways. For one thing, natural products are better for the planet because they don’t seep into groundwater or run off into waterways as easily as chemical cleaners do.

In addition, plant-based cleaning products like vinegar and baking soda cost less than commercial cleaners when you consider how much product you can get out of them (just think about how many times you’ll refill that spray bottle!)

So not only are environmentally friendly cleaning supplies better for the planet, but they’re also usually better for your budget!

#3 – Proper Landscaping Can Help Reduce Energy Usage

A well-designed landscape can help reduce a home’s energy usage by providing shade from the sun in the summer and blocking cold winter winds from entering the house.

By strategically using plants, trees, and other features, homeowners can create an outdoor space that is comfortable to live in and helps conserve energy.

Having a garden that you can use to grow your own veggies and fruit is one of the best ways to promote sustainable living! Not only will growing your own food reduce how much you need to buy at the grocery store (which saves you money), it’s also an excellent way to get exercise.

#4 – Energy Efficient Appliances and Electronics

Choosing to use energy-efficient appliances and electronics can reduce your carbon footprint, lower your electricity or water bill and even help you save money!

Not only will reducing the amount of power you’re using mean that you’re paying less for electricity, but it can also put a little more money back into your pocket and decrease CO2 emissions.

If every household made an effort to make their home more energy-efficient, imagine what kind of impact we could have on climate change.

#5 – Ditch Paper Towels for Reusable Kitchen Towels

Choosing to use reusable kitchen towels instead of paper towels will not only reduce the amount of waste you produce, but it’s also be a great way to cut back on how much money you spend in the long run.

Instead of buying paper towels over and over again, opt for some reusable kitchen towels that can be washed with your laundry or even just wiped clean with a wet wipe when they get dirty (or even throw them in the dishwasher).

If you’re really looking to save money, keep an eye out for durable cloth kitchen towels at thrift stores!

#6 – Get Educated About Where Your Food Comes From

Whether it’s making sure your meat comes from organic, free-range sources or purchasing food at farmer’s markets instead of supermarkets, getting educated about where your food comes from is one of the best ways to ensure that your food is as fresh and nutritious as possible — which means you’ll be cooking fresher, healthier meals at home!

It also helps to know where our food comes from because it can help us make educated decisions about how we spend our money. Supporting sustainable practice benefits the planet and is a great way to support small farmers and local communities.

#7 – Be Mindful About Where You Shop

Choosing to shop at thrift stores can reduce your carbon footprint and save you some money in the long run since buying second-hand items means you won’t have to buy them new.

Plus, second-hand shops are excellent because they tend to sell items that are slightly damaged or less popular — which means that not only will your clothes last longer, but you’ll be doing some good by keeping those products out of the landfill!

In conclusion, there are tons of ways you can make your residence greener. The seven easy ways we’ve outlined above should get you started on the path toward a more sustainable lifestyle that benefits both yourself and the planet!

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