Factors that Affect the Health and Well-Being of Employees

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We have always heard health is wealth. It could not be any more accurate when it comes to our working environment. A healthy working environment is essential for employees’ physical and mental health. Employees are the most critical assets of your company who contribute the most to your company’s growth. Therefore, it is your responsibility as an employer to take care of your employees’ well-being.

Here are some factors in the workplace that are associated with the workforce’s mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

1. Clean Environment

Employees like to work in a clean space where they can be more productive and efficient. Nobody wants to start their days by seeing cluttered workstations, leftovers, or wasted papers in the workplace. You should make sure that you give your employees a clean surrounding where their mind does not get distracted. This will help keep illnesses at bay and make them more productive, thereby benefiting you.

You can hire cleaning staff to keep your office space and the toilets clean. Additionally, you can also seek the services of pest control companies every two months.

The outer part of the office is as vital as the desks. Employees should feel relaxed whenever they take a break and sit with their colleagues. It should not be unpleasant for the employees to spend time in the surroundings. Hence, it is also essential to keep the outdoors clean. If you have a garden or lawn on your property, you should contact lawn landscaping services according to your needs and seal a deal for regular maintenance.

2. Financial Security

Today, with increasing competition, opportunities have become very limited. It is natural for employees to be insecure about their job. This may harm their mind and health. Lack of job assurance for the long term may lead to hypertension, anxiety, stress, etc.

Your prime responsibility is to ensure your employees’ financial security to keep them focused and mentally fit. You can also have a policy in place to timely monitor the employees’ financial stability.

3. Justice at the Workplace

One of the reasons employees’ do not love their workplace is not getting equal treatment as others. Some employees are extremely good at their jobs, while others struggle at some points. This leads to unfair treatment and fewer opportunities for struggling employees, which affects their mental peace. Similarly, there can be many more ways of injustice like not getting the credit for the work, lower salary, etc.

The employer has to encourage building rather than harming the employees’ self-esteem. Employees must get equal opportunities and fair treatment. This practice can be done by developing programs that promote fairness and justice at work.

4. Health Insurance

With many flashy types of benefits such as gym memberships, it can be easy to leave behind the more common benefits like health insurance. Many employers provide the benefits, and employees do not question it. But the pandemic made people realize the importance of medical benefits.

Offering health insurance as a benefit can be one of the simplest yet effective steps you can take for your employee. Offering health benefits to employees can increase productivity, boost morale, and shape positive company culture.

5. Micromanaging

Some authorities of the companies have a habit of micromanaging the employees’ work. That may be due to various reasons such as past performance, delays in delivering work, etc. This behavior of the company does not let the employee grow as an individual. Even if they improve, micromanaging can lead to lower self-confidence. This can make the employees feel the company does not trust them.

The sense of not being trusted or essential for the company can increase blood pressure, depression, and lack of interest in work. Hence, as an employer, you should keep an eye on this and trust the employees with their work.

6. Overtime

Working more than the fixed working hours can lower the productivity of the employee. Long work hours are also associated with health conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and others. Your employees might not say no to overtime because of the additional incentives, but it can lead to health challenges.

Moreover, spending more time on work and less on personal life can result in an inactive lifestyle. Hence, you should encourage employees to come to and leave the office on time or once the work is done. It will allow them to enjoy time with their family and friends. Asking for overtime once in a while to meet deadlines is okay, but it should not become a habit.

Every employer must carefully consider the points that make their employees love their work and workplace. They should not feel down or useless while they are in the office. Ensuring better health and well-being will help them stay focused on work and like their office.

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