Essential Supplies You Need to Live Through a Lockdown Healthily

nice house with a front yard

Many countries in the world have recently imposed a lockdown on major cities to limit the rapid spread of the Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). In times like these, the population’s immediate reaction is to panic buy essential supplies such as food, toiletries, and medicines, but it turns out that panic buying only resulted in further harm. For one thing, it deprived health workers and the sick of their needs. Hoarders also took advantage of the crisis by reselling their stash for unjust prices, and many people loaded up on unhealthy food that may make them susceptible to other diseases more severe than COVID-19.

That said, what products should we really stock up on to live through a lockdown healthily? Refer to the list below.

1. Healthy Canned Goods

If you only loaded up on high-sodium canned goods, your diet for the next few weeks or months may damage your kidneys. Sticking to only healthy varieties such as canned tuna, sardines, beans, fruits, and vegetables is highly advised since those can supply you with the nutrients you need to boost your immune system.

Tuna and sardines are rich in omega-3, which is good for the heart; beans are excellent protein sources, which are beneficial for vegans, and fruits and veggies are, of course, full of vitamins.

2. High-Fiber Food

Fill your pantry as well with good fiber sources such as cereals and oatmeal. Consume them with fruits, low-fat milk, and eggs to get a balanced diet.

3. Water, Coffee, and Milk

Water won’t be a problem if your city’s supply won’t experience downtimes, but otherwise, stock up on water that would last for at least three days, allowing each person in your family to consume one gallon per day.

If you have an everyday habit of buying your caffeine fix from a coffee shop, you need to learn how to brew your own coffee or at least to make it with an instant variant if you’re going to be stuck home for a couple of weeks. As for milk, you’re going to need it if you want to increase your vitamin D and calcium intake.

woman eating a salad

4. Frozen Goods

If you consume meat, buy frozen pork, beef, fish, and chicken in sufficient amounts only; you can have canned foods as your meal when your meat supply runs out. Ensure that you have enough spices and seasonings, too, if you want to cook your meat dishes like usual.

5. Toiletries

Do not hoard bottles of shampoo, boxes of soap and toothpaste, and most certainly alcohol. Just estimate how much of them you’d need if you can’t make another grocery trip for at least a month. If you use a moisturizer and other skin treatments daily, but they’re not covered by your emergency budget, simply buy a highly-beneficial moringa oil, which is mainly used for the hair, but has also therapeutic effects on skin conditions like dermatitis, psoriasis, rashes, and insect bites. You may also use it on your face to reduce your blemishes and acne.

As for the alcohol, which has become a concern among Filipinos complaining about their fellow citizens who hoarded it, keep in mind that washing your hands with soap and water is still far more effective in fighting the virus, so leave the alcohol for the healthcare industry’s use.

6. Vitamins and Medicines

Ensure that you have enough supplies of your prescription or maintenance meds if you take any. Also buy a few emergency medicines such as pain relievers, antacids, laxatives, anti-diarrhea, decongestants, and antihistamines. Avoid prednisone, an anti-inflammatory drug that may suppress your immune system. And if you’re not yet taking vitamin C, now’s the time to do so, and to keep doing it from this point onward.

Facemasks aren’t mandatory if you’re not sick, but it would be handy to have enough (not excessive) supplies of them, too. Living through a lockdown won’t be easy, but with a level head and smart buying choices, your family and the rest of the world will emerge victorious from this pandemic.

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