What’s in It for Us: Why We Need to Participate in Medical Research

researcher in lab

When the World Health Organization (WHO) announced COVID-19 as a pandemic in March, the world reeled. This was one of the first instances in modern times that health experts admitted to not knowing what we’re facing. More, their announcement forced governments to shut down seaports and airports, effectively impacting the global trade and supply chain. With economies on the edge of the deepest recession since World War II, we’re left to wonder how advanced medical research and technology can lead us to the new normal.

The answer is that it’s pretty advanced. Within seven months, many pharmaceutical companies made strides in their research about COVID-19 vaccines. There’s even a test now to determine if you have developed antibodies against the virus. This means you have been infected by the virus but were asymptomatic. Thus, your body developed antibodies that can probably fight a second infection.

But all of these are made possible only because of medical research. Plenty of healthcare market research recruitment agencies worked to find candidates for vaccine research. For scientists and doctors to understand what this virus does to the body, research recruitment agents must mind the right candidates for the studies. Through these studies, it has become possible for health experts to determine the cause, transmission, symptoms, and possible medications for the coronavirus.

Science Isn’t Static

Do you know why your doctors ask you to come in for a follow-up check-up? Most patients don’t make follow-ups when the medications make them better. The reason this is important is that doctors need to know if what they prescribed to you worked. You see, science isn’t static. It needs to grow. But for it to grow, it needs information and data from patients like you. Doctors have to know if the medical interventions they prescribed worked.

Early Access to New Therapies

Severe medical conditions often lead the patients to try new and experimental drugs and treatments. If you or anyone you know is suffering from a lifelong medical condition, medical research may be able to help you get early access to new therapies and medications. Who knows? Maybe these new drugs and treatments can improve your life. Without participants, scientists will have a hard time determining the efficacy of a drug or whether a vaccine is effective or not.

Expanded Treatments Are Free of Cost

Some medical studies have a profound impact on the health of the subjects of the research. Some will barely make a dent on your health record. In both cases, you will enjoy expanded health care services free of charge. You will see doctors and other health experts without needing to pay a cent. When you take an active role in medical research, you can receive long-term, extensive health care for free. This isn’t the kind of generic check-up you usually receive from your primary physician.

person in laboratory

Help Future Generations

Does your family have a genetic condition that you can pass to future generations? While it may not be life-threatening, new medical research can help you get rid of the condition. You can help your future children and grandchildren by participating in medical research now. They don’t have to deal with the same medical condition that you have to deal with all your life.

Receive Monetary Compensation

In some cases, you will receive monetary compensation if you participate in a clinical trial. Some of these can compensate you with thousands of dollars, depending on the length of the study and your level of participation. This is a great thing if your medical condition, demographics, and status fit the needs of the study. Many actually participate in medical research because it’s a good way to earn extra cash.

Better Understanding of the Treatment Process

Aren’t you curious about how medications and treatments affect the human body? Participating in medical research will give you a peek into how doctors manage patients and decide on medical interventions. You will gain a different perspective on how medicine, technology, and science worked together to treat diseases and prevent them from spreading. You will also have more appreciation for your body as you watch it guard itself against bacteria, germs, and viruses.

Over the years, the medical community conducted billions of dollars worth of research—these involved tens of thousands of participants. The perspective and knowledge they gained from the research molded medical science. Your participation in medical research is critical not only for your health but also for the health of future generations. A simple follow-up appointment will give your doctor a better understanding of medicines and treatments.

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