What You Should Do When You’re Planning an Intervention

man consulting a therapist

It’s not easy to see someone you love struggle with drug addiction. While there are underlying factors why they have become drug addicts, you are not powerless to stop it.

Staging an intervention is one of the toughest decisions that you will have to make. Here are the things you need to consider:

When to Stage an Intervention

The timing of the intervention is just as important as the process. Keep the following things in mind, and you should be one step away from executing a successful intervention:

1. Admit that you could be part of the problem.

Have you been enabling them? Have you denied that there is something wrong? Do you feel ashamed of them? These are just some questions you should ask yourself at this stage.

2. Don’t wait until you’ve reached the end of your rope before you seek help from an intervention specialist.

Friends and family typically wait until they’ve exhausted all means before they go to an intervention specialist. While it’s admirable that you want to help your loved one on your own, not seeking help early might make them more resistant to the process.

3. You must have the right motivations.

If what you are feeling right now is anger towards the addicted person, it is not the right time to intervene. Your anger signifies that you just want to be rid of them and not support them. Staging an intervention must come from a place of love and caring. Your support will be more helpful in their recovery, not your disdain.

4. Be ready to handle the lengthy process.

Substance abuse rehabilitation is not a one-and-done process. It takes a lot of time and dedication from both the abuser and their support system. When you stage the intervention, make sure you are mentally, physically, and emotionally ready to be there for the long haul. Seek out counseling for yourself if need be.

The Process of an Intervention

therapy session

The first thing you must remember is that you cannot do the intervention yourself. You need to find an intervention specialist who can guide you through the process. Find a reputable drug rehab center in your area. Visit the center and talk to the staff. They might not allow you to speak to their patients, but you can certainly observe. Take notes, and once you’ve made a decision, you can immediately get started on the process.

Who Should Be at the Intervention

Not everyone in the family should be at the intervention. In some instances, the interventionist might even decide that no family members can be in attendance if they feel that this will only derail the process. As previously mentioned, you want to intervene because you love and care for the patient. Only those who can commit to the drug abuser’s recovery should be at the intervention.

Pick the Right Venue

Where you should hold the intervention should be a place that is familiar to the patient and where they won’t feel threatened. Well and good if this is in your home, but sometimes this might mean staging it at a mutual friend’s house or their private residence. Arrive early on the day of the intervention. Make sure that you have practiced and followed the guidelines of the interventionist (who will also be present during this time). The whole thing can take anywhere from half an hour to 90 minutes, or longer if it is deemed necessary. Be prepared for any outcome.

Set and Adhere to Boundaries

Finally, you have to agree to the boundaries set by the interventionist. You could have been enabling the patient by giving them money or offering them shelter when things were rough. You could’ve ignored the early signs of the addiction. At this point, it doesn’t matter that these things have happened. What’s important now is that you understand that you can no longer do those things. When they relapse, don’t give them money. It’s challenging to do, but you have to harden your resolve while also softening your heart.

Remember that the goal of the intervention is for them to be open to undergoing treatment. And your help and support will be vital in them completing the treatment and recovering from addiction.

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