The digestive system is a tube of organs where food passes through until digested and nutrients are absorbed. The standard process of digestion should always be maintained. If there’s an alteration, it disrupts the whole process.
One condition that causes severe inflammation in the lining of the intestines is inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). This severe swelling disrupts healthy digestion and absorption of food. It can be confirmed through a colonoscopy test, which you can avail of in areas like Salem. Also, it should have immediate treatment because it can worsen if not addressed. Here are some treatment options for people with IBD.
The goal of treating inflammatory bowel disease is to reduce swelling that can cause other symptoms or complications. Medicine plays a vital role in providing relief from discomfort and pain. Some drugs are used to treat irritable bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. These drugs include fiber supplements, laxatives, anticholinergic medications, anti-diarrheal drugs, and pain medications. For IBS, some of the approved drugs are Alosetron (Lotronex), Eluxadoline (Viberzi), Rifaximin, and Lubiprostone.
Diet and Lifestyle Changes
A few changes in everyday routine and diet can help improve irritable bowel disease over time. For instance, people can improve IBS by experimenting with fiber, which can reduce the bouts of constipation. You can gradually increase the amount of fiber in your diet so that there will be no cramping and gas problems.
It’s also essential to reduce the intake of problem foods, such as coffee, teas, and soft drinks. Eat your meals at regular times; do not skip them to help regulate bowel function. If you have diarrhea, it’s better to eat in small frequent meals. If you’re constipated, double up on your high-fiber foods. Regular exercise is vital to relieve stress and depression, trigger regular intestine contractions, and help enhance one’s health. Smoking is prohibited as well if a person has IBD.
Alternative Medicine
Alternative medicine has been present for years and proven to be effective in treating many disorders, including IBD. The alternative therapies used for IBD treatment include mindfulness training, hypnosis, peppermint-use, probiotics, acupuncture, and stress reduction.
Probiotics are also recommended to maintain the health of the gut flora. These healthy bacteria are recommended for IBD because they have shown to reduce the symptoms of the disease.
Psychological Therapy
Another helpful treatment method is psychological therapy because stress can trigger IBD. Stress reduction is vital to lessen the bouts of inflammation and pain. It helps enhance a person’s health and reduces the risk of developing other mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression.
The most common therapies utilized include hypnosis, relaxation training, interpersonal training, and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
Irritable bowel disease is a condition that can take a toll on one’s life. Reducing and controlling inflammation are the primary goals of IBD treatment. If the swelling continues, it can lead to various potentially life-threatening complications. Regular visits to a doctor are essential to make sure the inflammation is kept at bay.