Simple Health Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

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There are so many things that could go wrong in the body that it’s easier to be paranoid about everything all the time. However, it’s important to have a good balance of staying calm while still being smart enough to ask for professional help as needed. Of course, you can’t just chalk every little feeling up to the worst possible conclusion, so it all comes down to knowing how frequently you’re feeling the symptoms you have and if some underlying factor may cause them. 

Some symptoms seem so simple you could sweep them under the rug until it becomes an actual problem that presents itself. 

Consistent and severe toothache 

It’s easy to feel like you can power through this one because it seems like a non-threatening condition that just bothers you now and then. However, this is a red flag that something wrong is going on in your mouth. If you have a toothache that lasts more than 2 days, it’s time to get professional help. This window is even shorter if you have severe pain, you can’t open your mouth, or you’ve got a fever. That calls for a visit to an emergency dentist because you might have a major cavity, or worse, an abscess. 

An abscess can cause a lot of complications and can even be fatal if left untreated, especially because the mouth is so near the brain. Otherwise, you could also have a worrisome infection affecting your gums (which still warrants a swift visit). 

Recurring stomach pain 

Everyone gets a bout of abdominal pain now and then from lifestyle choices, but if you notice that you are getting it a lot, it may be wise to check what is triggering it. You might find that you are eating something that doesn’t sit well with your gut, or perhaps you’ve developed something more worrisome like gastritis or ulcers. Although you shouldn’t immediately jump to the most horrifying conclusion, it’s still best to visit a gastroenterologist if your pain becomes a returning visitor, especially if the frequency between triggers is getting shorter. It is even more imperative if the pain has become constant and lasts too long. 

This doesn’t necessarily mean you have something horrible, and a check-up will help you identify what is causing it for good. A lot of doctors determine various modes of treatment based on recurrent abdominal pain and how it presents itself. 

person in pain

Unattributed weight loss 

Losing weight for no particular reason? This is not a blessing in disguise. Unexplained weight loss means you are shedding pounds without trying to. If you haven’t changed your eating habits or physical movement, yet you seem to be getting trimmer, this is a cause for concern. 

This doesn’t mean you panic the minute you lose some water weight in a week. Doctors say that if you lose more than 5 percent of your body weight in less than a year for no reason, then it’s time to worry. If this happens in just a few months, book that check-up as soon as possible. 

Constant itching 

A lot of things can cause itching. Maybe your skin got irritated by something you hit, or you’re having an allergic response to something you ate. Those are worrisome in themselves, but what we’re talking about is having random itches for no obvious reason, and it happens often. If it keeps coming back or lasts for an extended period, you should make sure you don’t have an underlying illness causing it. The cause could be anything from an immunity issue to a developing skin condition. 

It would be best to get checked by a dermatologist quickly in this case so that it doesn’t get worse. 

Muscle spasms 

A spasm rarely indicates something grave, but having them could be a sign that you need to improve your fitness promptly. If you get spasms often, it could mean that your muscles are too weak or that you are developing a more worrisome disorder. If you get these quite a bit, it would be best to get checked to make sure that you don’t have something chronic and possibly serious. At the very least, it can help you find a solution to stop these contractions that can be quite painful. 

When it comes to taking care of yourself, it’s important to be vigilant about signs that your body is giving you. Find a balance between being aware and remaining level-headed so that you don’t become paranoid or lackadaisical. This way, you can know when you’re doing okay or when you need to take action.

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