Simple and Relaxing Non-Renovation Upgrades for Your Motel Building

blurred receptionist

Motels can be quite a lucrative business, especially if you’re aiming to provide customers with an affordable place to get their R&R in. Many people come and go within their halls only to be able to get some sleep or simply to rest for a while in the middle of traveling.

This might make you think that all you need is the bare minimum, but there’s the higher possibility of attracting more customers if you install a few upgrades to make it a more relaxing place. You don’t even have to make any major renovations if there are any, and what you’ll need are a few purchases and some rearrangement.


It’s been said that the color green helps the eyes rest, and being a cool hue, it should also help people relax in general. Adding plants to both the interior and exterior of your motel will let you come closer to achieving a more restful venue through that color.

Not only does it make the area more tranquil, but it also provides cleaner air that also helps put the body at ease. Your staff might have to work a little more to maintain them, but you’ll get a lot more out of it.

If you need somewhere to put them in, you can order large copper garden planters and other containers online or in nearby shops.

Cool Black and White

As mentioned earlier, certain colors have specific effects on people’s perception and mood. Cool ones such as blue, green, and purple can make people calmer and using such in your motel can give them the impression that the place is worth relaxing in.

If you go for a monochrome color scheme as well, then you can make various rooms look like they’re bigger and more spacious than they actually are. You can even minimize any patterns and borders on the walls of your rooms to make them even more so.

Light It Up

nice lighted room

Any room can be brightened up, literally and figuratively, by adding more light to it. You can do so either by adding more fixtures such as lamps or by letting in more sunlight.

Areas that are illuminated in particular by natural light not only feel bigger and with more room to stretch in, but also have a relaxing quality to them. Let in as much sunlight as you can during the daytime, and only use the artificial sources when it’s closer to nighttime.

Electric lights can become a little too bright if you choose the wrong ones, so you should do your best to match the natural.

The best thing about these upgrades is that they don’t need you to construct new areas or tear something down just to accommodate them. This is especially good for those who are only leasing the building for their business.

They also won’t break the bank and can be put in a little at a time so that you don’t have to stop your operations and lose money in the process. It might take a little effort on your part to include them in your motel, but once you do, your customers will find it a greater pleasure to stay in, even for a short while.

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