Planning a Successful Corporate Event

Businesspeople clapping

Holding large-scale events is a good way for a business to boost brand awareness, improve corporate image, and attract prospective customers. Famous examples include trade fairs, concerts, balls, product launches, and other forms of social functions. If you’re interested in implementing an event for publicity purposes, here are several tips that can help you jump-start the planning stage.

Choose a Suitable Venue

It’s crucial to be smart and meticulous when deciding on the site where you will hold your event. Additionally, it’s beneficial to start scouting as early as possible.

Accordingly, other than visual characteristics, the accessibility of the geographical area also plays a massive role in increasing the attendance rate. It’s essential to select a location that is easy to find and travel to.

Moreover, the digital platform of Whova, an events management application, suggests that you consider factors like parking amenities, food and beverage minimums, room or seating capacity, services and facilities, layout, ambiance, acoustics, overall costs, and scheduling flexibility.

Think of a Creative Idea

When deciding on the theme of the event, be imaginative and playful. Business events frequently occur in huge numbers, so it’s indispensable to stand out and be unique. However, don’t go too far and make sure that the event still matches your industry.

For example, if you have a professional catering business, instead of the usual free tastings, why not hold a cook-off? By exploring out-of-the-box ideas, you can have a better chance of captivating people’s attention.

Cover the Details

Using a laptopActivities: Once you have finalized the theme, it’s essential to focus on details such as the program and the activities it includes. For example, if you plan on having an art or photo exhibit, will there be an opportunity for attendees to ask questions to the artists or photographers about their works?

Promotional Materials: Also, you can hand out promotional materials like pamphlets, leaflets, and other forms of print advertising. You can also make it more suitable for your line of business. For instance, if you’re a wedding coordinator, why not hire a professional wedding photographer and create a detailed brochure? Vivid, high-quality images can do a lot of sales talk for a company. As a tip, if you operate in Utah, there are plenty of wedding photographers in Salt Lake City and Ogden.

Branded Merchandise: Lastly, you can send out branded merchandise as giveaway items, especially if you’re holding a party, concert, or fair. There are plenty of options to choose from, such as mugs, coasters, statement shirts, notebooks, charging cords, pens—basically anything that can be used in the day-to-day lives of your prospects. However, do make sure that the branded products suit your event and brand.

Market Your Event

Encouraging attendance is critical for the success of your event. In an interview conducted by the studio team of the Event Manager Blog, event professionals shared that social media, press releases, email marketing, online influencers, and website promotion are handy event-marketing tools.

Accordingly, Ana Gotter of AdeSpresso shares that it’s helpful to create Facebook events and share them. Other commendable event marketing tactics include posting event-related content and using a hashtag.

Events induce great results when it comes to increasing brand awareness and eventually growing profits. However, you must keep in mind that circumstances require diligent and careful planning. Therefore, do your research and consult some experts to boost the chances of your event’s success.

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