How to Make Your Bed More Conducive to Great Sleep

woman sleeping

We all know how important it is to get at least 7 to 8 hours of restful sleep every night, but many of us still don’t get to complete those hours, be it because of schedules, family members, mental states, or some other reason that’s robbing you of good sleep.

A lot of those reasons are often unavoidable and non-negotiable. You can’t ignore your crying child, leave important work for tomorrow, or will your mental condition to go away. But what you can do is make your bedroom more conducive to good sleep, most especially your bed, to increase your chances of getting some good shut-eye.

While it surely isn’t the only thing that dictates that quality of sleep you get every night, your bed plays a huge role in how well and how long you sleep. Here’s how you can make your bed more conducive to good sleep:

Invest in a high-tech bed

The development of sleep technology aims to solve the most common problems for restless nights, including fluctuations in temperature, poor sleeping positions, and difficulty falling asleep. There are innovative biorhythmic mattresses that adjust the bed’s temperature to keep you comfortable at night. There are also beds that automatically adjust your sleeping position to keep you sleeping soundly, and without snoring, too.

If you constantly have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, investing in a high-tech bed may be the right choice for you. A bed equipped with modern sleep technology can help you fall asleep quickly and keep you comfortable enough to stay asleep. As a result, it will be much more likely for you to get a full eight hours every night, which will have you getting out of bed with a skip to your step.

Remove clutter from your bedside tables

Things on your bedside tables can be distracting, especially when you’re trying to fall asleep. Aside from your alarm clock, phone, book, lamp, and perhaps a glass of water, you don’t need much of anything else at your beside.

Keep your bedding clean

pillowsClean bedding is crucial to a good night’s sleep–and we cannot stress this enough! Allergens such as pollen, dust, mold, and pet dander can linger on your sheets if you don’t change them regularly. The presence of these allergens on your bedding leads to poor sleep quality because it can cause sneezing, watery eyes, and nasal congestion, among other uncomfortable symptoms.

Similarly, crumbs from food can also make your bed uncomfortable, thus leading to poor sleep.

To make your bed more conducive to good sleep, make it a point to change your bedding regularly–at least every two weeks or better yet, once every week. Avoid eating or drinking on your bed (except for water) to avoid getting crumbs or stains on your sheets, as well as attracting bugs. It’s also a good idea to shower before bed every night to reduce the amount of dirt, sweat, and dead skin cells that end up on your sheets.

Buy a weighted blanket

The deep pressure stimulation that weighted blankets have on the body can help relieve pain, reduce anxiety, and improve mood. Moreover, using a weighted blanket can help you get a restful sleep, especially if you are plagued with insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Choose a blanket that is 5 to 10 percent of your total body weight and fits perfectly on your bed. If you aren’t sure if you can use a weighted blanket (for example, if you have asthma or sleep apnea), consult your primary care provider first.

Replace your sheets

If your sheets are too scratchy, too thin, too hot, or all of the above, replacing them will surely give you a better night’s sleep. They will last for years anyway, so don’t skimp on sheets. If you can, it’s also a good idea to get at least two sets so that you can easily swap sheets whenever you need to.

Get more comfortable pillows

Just like your mattress and bedding, your pillows also play a significant role in the quality of sleep you get. Too soft or too hard pillows won’t be good for both your sleep nor your head and neck; you have to find a set of pillows that are just the right size and softness. It’s recommended to look at reviews online to find the best brand of pillow for you, but if you can, try testing them out at the store before buying.

Your bed can be responsible for restless sleep, but it can also be responsible for great shut-eye. To achieve the latter, use these tips and make your bed the most comfortable place in your house. After all, it’s the last thing we see at night and the first thing we see in the morning–it should be one of if not our most favorite place to be.

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