The Most Common Types of Major Dental Surgery Procedures

Dental model and dental equipment on blue background

Are you considering getting a major dental operation? If so, you’re not alone – millions of people each year undergo various procedures to improve their oral health. This article will look at some of the most common primary dental operations, what they involve, and what you can expect afterward. Whether you’re weighing up your options or want to know more about what’s involved, read on for everything you need about major dental surgery.

Dental implants

Dental implants are an increasingly popular and effective replacement for missing or damaged teeth. They offer a secure, permanent solution that looks, feels, and functions like natural teeth, making them an excellent option for adult patients looking to improve their smile. Implants can be used to replace a single tooth or multiple teeth or to stabilize dentures.

The dental implant process typically involves two surgeries: the first to insert the metal post, which serves as the artificial tooth root, and the second wherein a custom-made dental restoration is attached. While this procedure requires two surgical appointments several months apart, it produces long-term results and can significantly improve one’s aesthetics and self-confidence when completed successfully.

Tooth extractions

Male doctor and assistant performing extraction procedure with forceps removing patient tooth

Tooth extractions can be a nervous but necessary experience for many. Your dentist might recommend pulling a tooth for various reasons, such as if it’s affected by severe tooth decay, trauma, or infection. If your dentist suggests an extraction, they should discuss with you the potential risks and benefits associated with the procedure, including possible pain and recovery time.

Wisdom tooth extraction is one of the most common procedures involving the removal of one or more third molars, the furthest teeth back in the mouth. Wisdom teeth typically emerge between 17 and 25 and can cause pain and discomfort due to overcrowding, malformed roots, decay, impacted wisdom teeth, infections, or cysts.

It’s essential to understand why they may recommend that you have the tooth pulled, so feel free to ask questions so you can make an informed decision about how to proceed. For most people, tooth extractions are relatively straightforward and can be performed safely in your dentist’s chair under local anesthetic. But if you’re worried or concerned about the process, speak to your healthcare team – they’ll help you work through any anxieties and provide support.

Root canals

Root canals can effectively save teeth you would otherwise lose due to severe decay or injury. The process requires a dental professional to remove the pulp, blood vessels, and nerves from inside the tooth so that the tooth is no longer alive. After this, the space is filled with a particular material to make it stronger and prevent further decay.

Though it often has a bad reputation for being uncomfortable or painful, root canals these days are typically completed under local anesthetic, making it a relatively painless experience for the patient. On average, teeth treated with root canal therapy can last as long as those not treated, possibly even longer, given proper at-home care and attention from your dentist!


Dental fillings are one of the most common treatments for cavities. They provide a quick and effective way to repair damaged tooth enamel and prevent decay from spreading further into the tooth. Fillings can be made from several different materials, such as metal, plastic, or ceramic, each with unique benefits.

Metal fillings offer the most durable option for restoring teeth but may not be aesthetically pleasing. Plastic and ceramic dental fillings are more aesthetic but may require more frequent replacement than metal fillings. Depending on the size and extent of the cavity, your dentist will determine which type of filling is best for you – metal, plastic, or ceramic.


If you’re looking for a way to instantly improve and dramatically perfect your smile, consider looking into veneers. These are ideal cosmetic dentistry solution that gives you the appearance of naturally beautiful teeth. A thin layer of porcelain is custom-shaped to match your teeth, and when bonded to your teeth, gives them a look of uniform whiteness and shape that’s sure to boost your confidence.

Veneers are even more resistant to staining than natural teeth and can help protect against further damage caused by tooth decay or other oral diseases. With the increasing popularity of veneers, anyone can now experience the remarkable transformation they can provide!


Dental crowns are an effective way to restore the full function, shape, and appearance of a tooth that is damaged or decayed. Crowns can be manufactured out of porcelain, porcelain-fused metal, metal alloys, resin, or ceramic. It’s important you talk to your dentist beforehand so they can make the best recommendation for your situation.

Depending on the material used and its placement in the mouth, crowns may last anywhere from five to fifteen years with proper homecare and regular trips to the dentist. In addition to restoring your teeth, dental crowns can also provide cosmetic benefits such as improving worn enamel or misshaped teeth as well as aiding in supporting bridges and covering implants.

As you can see, there are many options available when it comes to major dental operations. The best option for you will depend on your individual needs and situation. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to consult with your dentist. They will be able to help you make the best decision for your oral health.

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