Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits in the Time of Corona

Social Security Administration Office Building in the United States

When Governor Herbert issued his “Stay Safe, Stay Home” directive across Utah, he meant for it to flatten the curve and minimize the impact on the state’s medical resources. The order has been extended through May 1, 2020, but it might extend for longer, depending on the situation.

People who need to apply for Social Security disability benefits might not be able to visit their local Social Security office because of the governor’s directive. Fortunately, this isn’t the only way you can apply. You can call the hotline anytime between 7am and 7pm on weekdays. But the most convenient way to request disability benefits is via an online application.

Are You Eligible To File for Social Security Disability Benefits Online?

Anybody who is at least 18 years old, unable to work for at least one year because of their medical condition, isn’t currently receiving Social Security benefits, and wasn’t denied disability benefits in the last 60 days may apply. The requirements might be simple, but the process could take longer.

If you’re planning to apply for Social Security disability benefits, it might be best to work with legal experts and disability advocates. They help you file your disability claim and guide you through the entire process. Here’s an overview of the application process:

  1. Send the required personal information.

Your online application should include your general background information, medical history, work history, household income, and assets. Your disability attorney can help you consolidate all required data to make sure that they’re sufficient.

  1. Wait for the Field Office to review your application.

After submitting your online application, the best thing you can do is wait while the Field Office processes it. They will verify the information you send and make sure it meets their requirements. If all goes well, they’ll forward your application to Disability Determination Services, who will then review your medical requirements before approval.

  1. File an appeal if your disability claim was declined.

Don’t worry if your claim was initially declined. Your disability attorney can help you file an appeal and move the reconsideration phase. At this stage, you might be required to provide updated medical information. This could take three to four months before a decision is made.

If your disability claim is denied a second time, your disability attorney may request a hearing before a judge. This process could take up to 20 months. It might seem like a long time, but you have a higher chance of approval at a hearing.

When Will Your Social Security Disability Benefits Get Approved?

Social security card

The Social Security Administration says that a 20-year-old American has a 25% chance of developing a disability before reaching retirement age. This is why the agency is proactive in making sure these people get either disability insurance our supplemental security income as soon as possible.

It might take some time to get your application approved, especially now that the entire country is dealing with a pandemic. But your attorney and disability advocates will help you through the process.

Make sure you understand every stage of the process. This helps you stay patient while you wait for Social Security’s decision. Your disability attorney can help you with this. So while they do the work and you wait for the results, stay healthy, and practice physical distancing.

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